"Follow Me" featured as Vimeo 'Short of the Week'

We're very pleased to announce that Vimeo has selected Follow Me as their 'Short of the Week', premiering today. Convoy Entertainment (aka Marshall Cook and Tyler Hawes) created Follow Me along with our frequent collaborator and friend, Will Sasso, who stars.

Darren's phone is never off.

Darren's phone is never off.

Follow Me is a story about Darren Marsh, a social media-obsessed father having an identity crisis, as he focuses all his attention on trying to become an online media celebrity bordering on narcissism, to the detriment of everything else in his life (i.e. family, marriage, job, health, etc.). While this is strongly a comedy, it's also rather poignant considering how many people in our society mirror this behavior, to varying degrees. 

Head on over and check it out, and be sure to follow on Will Sasso's YouTube channel.